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Hospitals with NICUs and/or Mother/Baby Care Units can partner with Northwest Mothers Milk Bank to provide the best alternative to mother’s own milk for newborns and infants who require supplemental feedings. Safe, pasteurized donor human milk from NWMMB offers optimum safety and quality in nutrition care to the babies who need it most, second only to their mother’s own milk.

Our Nutritional Analysis Program follows evidence-based standards recommended by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA) and offers the clinician specific information about the macronutrient level of the donor milk received.
How a hospital can benefit from using safe, pasteurized donor human milk from Northwest Mothers Milk Bank:
Engage in a partnership with an organization whose mission is to improve the health and survival of the Northwest’s most vulnerable babies.
Receive donor human milk that is locally sourced from qualified milk donors who are healthy and thoroughly screened and tested.
Access safe, high quality donor human milk achieved by evidence-based pasteurization techniques that have a 35-year record of excellence and safety and are compliant with Food and Drug Administration and Center for Disease Control standards.
Improve your hospital’s clinical nutrition care by knowing the specific protein and caloric values of the donor milk.
Offer exclusive human milk feedings for vulnerable premature infants.
Decrease costs of care associated with NICU patient stays and reduce NEC rates.
Engage in a collective effort to assure that all infants in the Pacific Northwest who need human milk will have access to it.
Donor milk should be considered essential medicine for premature infants whose moms don't have enough. Donor milk can help prevent infection and promote healthy brain development. When I recommend donor milk to families in the hospital, they know we are doing everything we can to support them and their baby.