Host a Milk Drop
Hospitals and clinics can expand their partnership with Northwest Mothers Milk Bank by hosting a Milk Drop. Our Milk Drops are convenient locations throughout the Pacific Northwest where approved donors can drop off their milk donations. These drop sites keep the milk frozen and safe until it can be transferred to Northwest Mothers Milk Bank in Tigard.

Milk Drops are an integral component of the milk donation process! They provide a friendly face in the community, help to identify potential milk donors, and simplify the donation process for donors who don’t live near Northwest Mothers Milk Bank. Milk Drops offer a trusted and convenient place for milk donors who have completed all screening steps to drop off a milk donation. Hosting a Milk Drop offers a way for hospitals and clinics to assure there is plenty of safe, pasteurized milk available for medically fragile babies across the Pacific Northwest.
Once a milk donation is received, the host assures the milk remains safe and frozen, then prepares it for shipment to the milk bank by packing it in insulated containers. Once it reaches NWMMB, the milk is pasteurized, tested, and distributed to babies in need across the Northwest. Other than staff or volunteer time, NWMMB provides all materials and supplies needed to host a milk drop, including the freezer.
Milk Drops can be found across the Pacific Northwest, but there is always a need for additional locations. Your team can play an important role in nonprofit milk banking, by opening your doors as a community Milk Drop!
Where are the Milk Drops located?
Milk Drops can be found across the Pacific Northwest, but there is always a need for additional locations.
What does hosting a Milk Drop mean for you?
Enhancing your lactation program and services to parents and children
Offering joint press release and social media opportunities to publicize your Milk Drop
Supporting your baby-friendly practices
Helping spread the word about milk donation
What do you need to host a Milk Drop?
An accessible area for dropping off milk donations
Space to accommodate a small freezer, thermometer, and shipping supplies
Staff or volunteers who can receive, pack, and ship milk donations
NWMMB accepts responsibility for all donor screening, milk processing, and distribution.
All record keeping supplies, shipping supplies, and informational materials are provided.
To learn more, please call NWMMB at (503) 469-0955 (toll-free (800) 204-4444) or send a message to